Chiropractic Kinesiology is the science and art of utilizing muscle-responsive testing to aid in the evaluation and treatment of neurologic and muscular imbalances.
As the human body is divided into compartments – front/back, top/bottom, and left/right – the brain is responsible for balancing the tone in the muscles of each. This is what allows us to sit, stand, bend, run, lift, and more!
Our body is constantly navigating gravity’s force that is inevitable in day-to-day life. The way our body is built is for the muscles to respond to these forces in a way that protects us from injuries. When our muscles are unable to respond, these forces are distributed to other parts of our body that are not made to handle the pressure, resulting in:
Whether you are an athlete, office worker or manual laborer, chiropractic kinesiology can help identify the faulty muscle patterns you may have developed over your lifetime. These patterns can cause instability of the joints they are meant to support.
The short-and-long-term effects can lead to serious injuries, including:
Once the imbalances are identified, proper recommendations follow! These may include:
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